Gardner Engine Year / Period of Manufacture
So you have a Gardner engine but dont know how old it is. This page will help you determine its age to a six month period based on its engine number.
Note - only returns a 6 month period for engines between January 1927 and June 1985 at this time.

Engine Manufacture Period Search
Insert engine number in the search below. If you dont know how to find your number simply follow the instructions below.
How to find your Engine Number
On Gardner engines the engine number can normally be found stamped on the top of the Crankcase behind the injector pump. It will consist of the words "Eng No" or just "No" and a 5 or 6 digit number. e.g. Eng No 123456 or No 123456

Number located on top of crankcase behind injector pump in location arrowed in red.

Number from above

Brass rating plate
It should also be noted that the engine number can also be found in other locations depending on build specification, model of engine and number of parts changed during its life, see list below. However as these parts are easily changed best practice is to locate and use the crankcase number.
- Flywheel
- Injector pump insertion plate
- Brass engine rating plate (located on front of injector pump)
- Rocker cover/s